Mikala Albertson MD

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He Hears

God hears.

He hears our fancy, formal, memorized prayers, fingers slipping over beads.

He hears our bitter, angry prayers.

Why, God???


What am I supposed to do now, God???

He hears our tiny, whispered pleas. Every single word.



Be near.

Or even…


He hears. Through our anger or disbelief or pain or sadness or joy.

He understands our feelings. And our pain.

He hears our hearts patter. And thump. And soar.

Or ache.

He hears our love and gratitude.

Thank you, God.

He hears the silent tears slipping down our cheeks.

He hears.

Even when we don’t know what to say.

Or how exactly we’re supposed to pray.

He hears.

He already KNOWS.

And really, it doesn’t matter the words…

Only that we turn to Him through it all.

In the middle of it ALL.

Again and again and again.

God hears.

And He will never leave us alone.