Mikala Albertson MD

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The "Girl Next Door" Makes a Wonderful Friend in Midlife

I’ve never been the life of the party. I’m more like the girl next door.

I’m the eternal sidekick. A wing-woman.

I was the girl at the bar during college who the boys might talk to, but they usually said, “Hey, why are you so quiet? Smile! Aren’t you having fun?”

Because I WAS quiet. And dependable. Reliable. Practical. Responsible. Safe.

Fast forward a few years, and not much has changed.

If dinner is at 7, you better tell me 7:30 because I’m chronically, ridiculously on time (and by that, I mean 15 minutes early!). If you’re sick, I’ll bring you dinner. If you had surgery, I’ll send a care package in the mail.

Another soccer mom recently introduced me to her sister as her ‘village’ because I spend evenings helping get the kids to practice and whole Saturdays driving kids around. I love it!

What’s funny is, I’ve spent my life standing beside the life of the party. Waiting for her fun invitations. Being that friend who is always on board.

And I used to wonder why I couldn’t be more like her?

More loud. More confident. More out there. More sure. More center of the room.

But as I’ve grown older and my deepest relationships remain, I realize what the girl next door brings to the friendship.

A good listening ear. Thoughtful responses. A loyal presence. My caring heart. A reliable helping hand.

And I’m learning to appreciate the way I’m built.

Who I just…AM.

I’m a great friend, actually!

And though I will never be the life of the party, you can be sure I’ll stick around when the party’s over to help you clean up the mess.