Mikala Albertson MD

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Before Mom Goes...

When a mom heads out of town for the weekend, she spends the whole week preparing.

Making plans, checking schedules, washing laundry, taking last-minute trips to the store.

But none of that busy work has anything to do with HER trip away…

It’s for the family she’s leaving behind!!!

She’s making sure uniforms are washed and ready for soccer on Saturday.

She’s stocking quick and easy meals at-the-ready in the fridge.

She’s double-checking that the dog and cat have enough food in the cupboard.

She’s making sure weekend tournament schedules haven’t changed.

And she’s coordinating extra rides for kids with activities that overlap.

It’s the unseen work of being a mom.

The day-to-day TAKING CARE OF ALL THE THINGS that often goes unrecognized.

She’s trying to do it ALL before she goes!!

Not because her spouse and kids can’t do things for themselves while she’s gone.

No. They’re fully capable and willing.

(though it might be fun to leave them hanging for a few days…maybe they’d understand EVERY LITTLE THING she handles around here)

But really?

A mom’s greatest priority is to care for her family. To lighten their loads. To make their days a little brighter and easier.

Even while she’s away!

So, before a mom leaves for some much-needed relaxation with her friends for a weekend, she spends the week preparing for absolutely everyone and everything AT HOME before she goes.