Mikala Albertson MD

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A VERY Covid Christmas

Whelp. Coronavirus came for Christmas.

And life feels hard.

(I'm sweating with fever even as I type)

I can't help wondering sometimes, 'God, where are you?'

But then I think back over these past few weeks...

My writer friend sent me a Starbucks giftcard in my inbox for no reason at all.

My dearest friend called to say, 'How are you surviving today??' And my goodness, she knows how to make me laugh!!

My sweet neighbor picked up all our extra leaf bags and stuffed them in his bin on garbage day.

My teen offered to drive (back when we were going places) and turned up some rap in the car as we both bobbed our heads just a little.

The woman I pass every day on the trail was my checker at the grocery store (yes, before our 14-day quarantine) and I could see her wide masked smile, 'Oh Hi, Mikala!! How are you!?!'

And the very same day the Covid test came back positive for my son, I received some amazing news I'd been waiting SO LONG for.

Isn't that life?? Isn't that just like our God?

Up and down and back and forth.

Sometimes, I'll admit I lose sight of Him. Sometimes, I have to squint pretty hard through all the crap to see the goodness.

But then yesterday on my walk (before my body aches set in), the sun shone through a beautiful blue-skied day and highlighted fresh white snow on the mountains...

And I just stopped. Stood there. Pointed my face to the sun for a moment. And remembered once again.

Oh yeah.

He's right here. Always RIGHT HERE.

There is goodness even here. Even now.

In me and him and her and YOU.