Mikala Albertson MD

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A Day To BE

Anyone else struggling today?

I feel like I should be doing something.

I’ve been so busy these last few weeks…

Cleaning and shopping and wrapping and preparing and tying up all the loose ends before the New Year.

Plus, after yesterday the house is a mess…

Littered with boxes and wrapping paper and all the gifts yet to be matriculated into the rest of the house.

The Christmas tree looks weird now without anything underneath.

The stockings are tossed on the hearth.

The fridge is filled to the brim with leftovers.

And I’ve been fighting the urge all day to DO SOMETHING!!!

Clean this mess up!!

Put everything away!!

Take down the tree and decorations!!

Go through the kids closets and take extras to Goodwill!!

Re-clean the house top to bottom since the kids have been home from school now for days and this place is a pig-sty!!

Catch up on all the laundry before more company comes!!


It’s crazy, really.

I know.

Because most of the time, I LONG for simple, quiet, slow days.

And truthfully, I’m exhausted.

I really do need a day or two to simply REST.


Sometimes my mind keeps me from relaxing.

Sometimes my expectations keep me from ever really resting.

Sometimes I imagine I should ALWAYS be productive.

And if I’m not being productive, I think I should be doing something meaningful with the kids…some kind of mom-manicured memory making.


I’ll bet you do this too!!

I’ll bet you get all wrapped up in the quest to DO SOMETHING!!

But seriously, can we just stop for a minute and take a good hard look at the kids?

My kids are happy as little clams.

Playing and eating their candy and having leftovers for lunch and rolling around in the snow and video-gaming to their little hearts’ content on Fortnite.

Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. No place anyone needs to be.

You guys.

What if we took a lesson from our kids??

What if we ignored that need to be ‘productive?’

What if we did our best to just BE???

We don’t always have to DO…it’s okay to just BE.

Be here.

Be present.

Be content.

This is a day to just BE.

A wonderful day for nothing and somehow everything…

Because isn’t that really something???